Temtem Wiki
Zen Meditation
Focus on your breathing. Remember, no effort, no resistance... The technique consumes 0 Stamina and boosts your ATK Stats and SPATK Stats.
Technique Details
Type meleeMelee
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 0
Hold 2
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Self

Zen Meditation is a StatusStatus meleeMelee Technique. Its also a Technique Course, labelled as TC029.


Zen Meditation gifts the user with ATKStats and SPATKStats.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#065 HedgineHedgine TC029
#075 InnkiInnki TC029
#077 ShaolantShaolant TC029
#078 CycroxCycrox TC029
#099 MomoMomo TC029
#136 TutsuTutsu TC029
#143 Koish (Water)Koish TC029
#153 MaoalaMaoala TC029
#160 MonkkoMonkko TC029

Update History[]
