Wishing well next to Anak volcano
Throwing WishYouWell Coins into Wishing Wells provides various rewards including pheromones from a loot pool specific to the island of well that naturally spawn said species, and any other reward of a universal loot pool to all wells.
Rewards obtained through the use of WishYouWell Coins consist of pansuns, clothing, pheromones, fruits/candies, and dyes.
Pansuns will always be rewarded as part of the loot pool. The pansun reward is the Tamer's level multiplied by a random number between 7 and 16. E.g. Tamer level of 72 will be rewarded between 576 and 1,152 pansuns. In addition to the pansun reward, there exists the potential for drops of other items. This includes clothing and dyes which are currently unobtainable for purchase.
Wishing Well loot pools are universal with exception of pheromones which are specific for tems which have the typing of the island of the well (e.g. Deniz well drops pheromones for tems with water or wind typing).
No information regarding the drop rate of particular rewards is currently available.
Pheromone Drop Table[]
The following table shows what Temtem Pheromones are obtainable from which island's well.

Deniz well

Kisiwa well

Cipanku well
- Deniz Well: In the Center of Briçal de Mar (see 1st image) next to the Accademia.
- Omninesia Well : Left of Anak Volcano in Ulterior Omninesia.
- Tucma Well : Left of where you first meet Naolin. Before entering the Xolot Reservoir.
- Kisiwa Wells : Tasa Desert (see 2nd image).
- Cipanku Well: Pillars of Highabove (see 3rd image).
- Arbury Well: In Greenglen Forest, near Smeralda's Smoothies and the Mini-Temporium.