Temtem Wiki
Willpower Drain
Sapping the very will to fight from an enemy's mind, this quick neutral Neutral technique steals 23 Stamina points.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 17
Hold 1
Priority 3_High
Targeting Single Other Target

Willpower Drain is a StatusStatus neutralNeutral Technique.


Willpower Drain drains 23 StatSTASTA from a single other target and restores 23 StatSTASTA to the user. The user will still overexert if they don't have enough StatSTASTA to use Willpower Drain. If the target has less than 23 StatSTASTA, the user will only restore the amount that was drained.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#017 PaharacPaharac 52
#018 GranpahGranpah 52
#099 MomoMomo 39
#101 KaurenKauren 58
#158 ArachnyteArachnyte 20
#164 VolgonVolgon 12


  • Referred to as "WPD" by the Temtem community.

Update History[]
