Temtem Wiki
Water Blade
Whipping seawater, like the stormy Sillaro whipping the rocks.
Technique Details
Type waterWater
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 64
STA Cost 17
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target

Water Blade is a SpecialSpecial waterWater Technique.


Water Blade deals damage to a single other target.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#009 PlatimousPlatimous 3
#060 PewkiPewki 9
#061 PiraniantPiraniant 9
#069 SaipatSaipat 4
#086 MagmisMagmis 12
#087 MastioneMastione 12
#088 UmishiUmishi 5
#089 UkamaUkama 5
#115 OcearaOceara 45
#123 NesslaNessla 4
#127 KalazuKalazu 6
#128 KalabyssKalabyss 6

Update History[]
