Temtem Wiki
Turbo Choreography
The ancestral dance of Deniz is a powerful ritual that bestows protection, SPD Stats to the whole team.
Technique Details
Type windWind
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 23
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Team
Synergy Details
Wind allies boost the effect of Turbo Choreography to the whole team SPD Stats.
Synergy windWind
Effects SPDStats

Turbo Choreography is a StatusStatus windWind Technique with a windWind Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC003.


Turbo Choreography gifts a single team with SPDStats.

If used with a windWind ally, it instead gifts SPD Stats.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#010 SwaliSwali TC003
#011 LoaliLoali TC003
#012 TateruTateru TC003
#016 PaharoPaharo TC003
#017 PaharacPaharac TC003
#018 GranpahGranpah TC003
#022 MudridMudrid TC003
#051 TowlyTowly TC003
#052 OwlheOwlhe TC003
#053 BarnsheBarnshe TC003
#085 MushookMushook TC003
#088 UmishiUmishi TC003
#089 UkamaUkama TC003
#105 ToxolotlToxolotl TC003
#106 NoxolotlNoxolotl TC003
#113 GankiGanki TC003
#114 GazumaGazuma TC003
#137 KinuKinu TC003
#141 PigepicPigepic TC003


  • Referred to as "Turbo" by the Temtem community.

Update History[]
