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The island of Tucma

Tucma, “The End of All Things” – a vast desolation of ashes, noxious lakes and Toxic Temtem. Under the surface, the mining city of Quetzal is home to artisans, rock-hoppers and Crystal Temtem.

In a way, Tucma is the darker side of the Omninesian story – while the Myrisles are green and lush, spared from volcanic ejecta by the prevailing winds, those same currents routinely shower Tucma in toxic fumes and ashes. As a result, the surface of Tucma has become a lifeless wasteland, and the Tucmani have retreated underground. There, in the depths of the Nahua Crater, they have created their great city of Quetzal, a marvel of stone, crystal, light and industry. Once part of the same mega-island as Kisiwa, Tucma is now famous for its metalwork, jewellery and Crystal Temtem.

Very few venture to the surface, except to catch Toxic Temtem in the noxious waters of the Xolot Reservoir or to participate in the traditional Tucmani sport of rock-hopping – using just a hook, the practitioners jump from rock to rock, covering great distances. Before airships were invented, the Tucmani used this method to visit their brethren in Kisiwa. Nowadays, it has become a bit of a relic, like the ruins of the former capital, entombed under the crystalline surface of the Amethyst Barrens.

~ Kickstarter Update #15

Interactive Map[]

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Filter explanation:
Activities: This category displays the location of special shops, repeatable activites and special features.

Gears: Item locations which are found under the Gear tab in the inventory.
General Items: Item locations which are found under the Items tab in the inventory.
Key Items: Item locations which are found under the Key items tab in the inventory.
Landmarks/Towns: Locations of towns, routes and caves.
Main Quest: Location of each quest step of the island's main questline.
Medicine: Item locations which are found under the Medicine tab in the inventory.
Performance Items: Item locations which are found under the Performance tab in the inventory.
Side Quests: Locations for quests which are not mandatory to progress the story.
Sticker: Locations for the StickTem! album. Technique Course: Item locations which are found under the Technique Course tab in the inventory.
Teleport Node: Teleport Node locations. The Matter-Transfer Drone is required in order to register the nodes.
Temcards: Item locations which are found under the Capture tab in the inventory.
Temporium: Temporium and Mini-Temporium locations.


Tucma is broken into two regions: the Surface and the Subsurface.

Tucma Surface[]

A gas-mask is strongly recommended for the exploration of the surface of Tucma, as is avoiding the eastern Corrupted Badlands. Here, many bandits lie, waiting to ambush and rob anyone who crosses their paths. The Bandit's hangout is the Bandit Camp. They commonly refer to those subsurface as "mine worms", and themselves as "Forgotten Ones" and "Masters of the Corrupted Badlands". The surface is one of the last untamed regions of the Archipelago; there are reality shows featuring ten guys dropped onto Tucma without any Temtem because of its raw ferality. It is a common breeding ground for toxicToxic. The Xolot Reservoir's pollution is a completely natural phenomenon, a natural byproduct of the Omninesian eruptions. Winds blow fumes and ash onto Tucma, creating acid rain and keeping it an arid plain. However, in order to stabilize Quetzal's water-supply, Dr. Sugey and her team have been researching the soil and the river to come up with a reliable filtration system. It is, after all, the second largest body of water in the Archipelago. Toxolotl is a "beauty born of the foulest depths of Xolot, a light in the abyss" according to the poetess Itzia. The Temtem exemplifies the resilient spirit of Tucmani people, able to survive in the harshest environments. The Xolot's oldest life-form is Blooze.

In the farthest east lies the Crystal Shrine, the holy site for the Brothers of the Shard. They are one of the only religious groups in the Archipelago. However, ancient Tucma texts demonstrate religious awe for Myx. As embodiment of "dark spirits", all were feared, whether emissaries of Highabove or messengers of Downbelow.

Tucma Subsurface[]

The subsurface is much more stable. It is comprised of two main parts: Quetzal, a mining and manufacturing town, and the Mines of Mictlan.

Quetzal runs off of more ancient tradition and hard labor. After the eruption that split Kisiwa from Quetzal and polluted the surface, several Tucmani tribes fled to the underground and settled the city. It is said each strand in the mane of Toxolotl signifies one of these tribes. Its citizens, called Quetzaleños, use terms like "surface dweller" to refer to people from the surface. They love gemstones on everything. The Dojo, a tribute to the spirit of Tucma and a reflection of its heritage, is governed by Yareni. The venerable Matriarch and a more traditional master is the "ultimate authority on Crystal and Toxic Temtem", and believes the Dojo has a duty of hospitality and solidarity with tamers. She has studied in Cipanku for many years. In the center of the town floats the Seedstone, where it is said all crystalCrystal Temtem originate. This displays the close relationship Quetzaleños have with crystalCrystal Temtem. Lapinite, for instance, are very often a Quetzaleño's first Temtem, and play with toddlers after their sharp edges are gently filed to safety.

The city also has the Jaguar Lounge ran by Yela, serving mushroom soup, and glasses of Quetzaleño Reposado for those of drinking age. Any given night, drunken miners at the lounge will share tall tales of great crystalline behemoths lurking in the darkest abyss under the city. It's like Zenoreth is the basis for these stories. The Tucmani drinking song "One-hundred Temessence Vials" commonly wails through the building.

Lastly, the Smith's Guild organizes the metalworking of the town. From kitchen spoons, to jewelry, to construction beams, most metals tamers use across the Archipelago come from Tucmani ores mined from the Mines of Mictlan.

Children love to dress up as Babawa to wreak havoc at the Quetzal Carnival.

The mines are the habitat for many crystalCrystal Temtem. They're the biggest motherloads in the Archipelago and provide the metal and ores for the Smith's Guild, as well as Crystals. It contains impressive Omninesian-made bridges. In its west lies the Prison of Quetzal, and in its east lies the Kakama Cenote and an archeological site which could be extra-archipelogan. Azuroc are common throughout the mines. Their skill dislodging large chunks of ore and gemstones makes it correct and expert handling a professional requisite. The miners also utilize Occlura for their diets of raw rocks.

Tucma and Kisiwa[]

Tucma has a very long relationship with Kisiwa, calling them "sibling peoples". Kupeleleza is the symbol of the Kisiwan-Tucmani friendship. Before the first and cataclysmic eruption of the Anak volcano, Tucma and Kisiwa made up a single, massive island. This explains their many cultural similarities, such as their similar slang and traditions. Temtem like Bunbun also resemble this bond, with earthen DNA from Kisiwa, and their crystalline contents in their paws reveal Tucmani influence. After the split, Quetzal and the Kisiwan surface cities were built. This was before airships, so in order to trade and send messages, they invented rock-hoping and traversed through Kupeleleza with their advanced balance training developed by Tucmani rockhoppers. As a natural result, they established a board-control customs office. However, now that airships are cheaper and safer, rock-hoping and the disconnected route have simply become an exciting sport and a part of its cultural legacy. The office turned into a mere historical building, celebrating their relationship. In order to ensure safety for new learners, the Stoneskip Club have installed safety nets throughout the area. Kupeleleza has become a tourist attraction; even the former Vumbi Dojo Master promoted the route as such.

Present-day examples of their positive relationship happens when Quetzal sends soldiers to help in the Kisiwan battle against Clan Belsoto, and to guard Uhuru afterwards.


Towns and Villages[]




  • The inspiration for Tucma comes from Tucumán, a province in Argentina. The name Tucumán might be a deformation of the word Tucma itself, which means "the end of things". Most places within this region are named after figures or places in Aztec mythology. Character names come from a variety of Mesoamerican and South American cultures, though mostly Aztec or Quechua. Cenotes feature promeniently and the guards wear Shuine (a temtem similar to the feathered serpent deities) uniforms, further drawing this comparison.
  • Tucma is the biggest wild Temtem reserve because of how severely they avoid the surface.
  • Xela Zonum, a renowned geographer, is from Tucma.


