Temtem Wiki
Toxic type
Effective against watermelee
Ineffective against earthdigitalcrystaltoxic
Resistant to waternaturetoxic
Weak to wind
Toxic Temtem feed and thrive on the chemicals that would kill less sturdy Temtem. They are one of less studied varieties, due to their inhospitable habitat, but some adventurous Tucmani have made friends with them.
~ Kickstarter Update #14[1]

The Toxic type is one of the Types that Temtem and their Techniques can have. Temtem with the Toxic type are predominantly featured on Omninesia.

Type Effectiveness[]

Toxic type techniques are effective against waterWater natureNature temtem but ineffective against earthEarth digitalDigital crystalCrystal toxicToxic Temtem.
Toxic type Temtem are resistant to waterWater and natureNature and toxicToxic techniques, while they are weak to windWind techniques.

Toxic Temtem[]

No. Temtem Type(s) Base Stats
#004 Chromeon (Toxic)Chromeon (Toxic) digitalDigital toxicToxic 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#007 PlatypetPlatypet waterWater toxicToxic 55 39 65 45 31 67 56 358
#008 PlatoxPlatox waterWater toxicToxic 62 44 74 50 35 76 63 404
#009 PlatimousPlatimous waterWater toxicToxic 73 49 82 56 39 93 70 462
#013 GharunderGharunder toxicToxic electricElectric 71 59 49 84 45 47 85 440
#035 OrphyllOrphyll natureNature toxicToxic 42 48 75 68 64 27 40 364
#036 NidrasilNidrasil natureNature toxicToxic 77 52 61 88 80 36 51 445
#074 TorteniteTortenite crystalCrystal toxicToxic 74 52 52 45 76 89 60 448
#078 CycroxCycrox digitalDigital toxicToxic 73 62 48 54 61 75 71 444
#084 MushiMushi toxicToxic 48 33 68 48 36 48 29 310
#085 MushookMushook toxicToxic meleeMelee 67 45 81 76 75 49 41 434
#105 ToxolotlToxolotl toxicToxic 59 40 47 50 64 65 37 362
#106 NoxolotlNoxolotl toxicToxic 72 49 61 61 78 85 45 451
#107 BloozeBlooze toxicToxic 68 50 33 43 52 46 54 346
#108 GoolderGoolder toxicToxic 125 70 10 64 62 68 62 461
#109 ZephyruffZephyruff toxicToxic windWind 55 34 68 43 47 50 51 348
#110 VolarendVolarend toxicToxic windWind 60 42 74 51 55 68 96 446
#128 KalabyssKalabyss waterWater toxicToxic 82 37 37 75 100 65 55 451
#129 AdoroborosAdoroboros toxicToxic mentalMental 65 66 60 29 42 70 110 442
#142 AkranoxAkranox earthEarth toxicToxic 71 52 71 71 64 71 64 464
#143 Koish (Toxic)Koish (Toxic) waterWater toxicToxic 57 61 66 76 68 70 58 456
#149 HazratHazrat toxicToxic fireFire 52 69 76 90 54 57 51 449

Toxic Techniques[]

Name Type Class DMG STA Hold Priority Targeting
Acid Reflux toxic Special 80 23 2 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
Antitoxins toxic Status - 26 2 2_Normal -
Hallucination toxic(+mental) Status - 26 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Metabolize toxic(+nature) Status - 21 2 1_Low -
Noxious Bomb toxic Physical 100 20 0 2_Normal Single Target
Paralyzing Poison toxic(+toxic) Status - 23 2 2_Normal Single Other Target
Pollution toxic Status - 26 2 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
Rotten Goo toxic(+electric) Special 82 23 0 1_Low Single Other Target
Sting toxic Physical 48 23 0 3_High Single Other Target
Tortenite's Garden toxic(+crystal) Status - 28 2 1_Low Single Other Target
Toxic Fang toxic Physical 62 14 1 2_Normal Single Other Target
Toxic Gas toxic Special 65 29 1 2_Normal Other Team or Ally
Toxic Ink toxic Physical 65 18 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Toxic Plume toxic(+crystal) Special 50 24 1 2_Normal -
Toxic Slime toxic Physical 50 14 0 2_Normal Single Target
Toxic Spores toxic Status - 9 0 1_Low Single Other Target
Toxic Stream toxic Physical 85 23 0 2_Normal Single Target
Toxic Torrent toxic Special 65 21 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Toxin Shower toxic Special 60 17 1 2_Normal All Other Temtem
Urushiol toxic(+toxic) Physical 41 8 0 2_Normal -
Venom Spread toxic Special 150 23 0 3_High Single Target
Venomous Claws toxic Physical 40 9 0 2_Normal Single Other Target
Virulent Gust toxic(+water) Special 60 17 0 2_Normal Single Target
Wastewater toxic Physical 90 29 0 2_Normal Single Target

Synergy Techniques[]

These techniques get a synergy bonus when used with a Toxic type partner.

Name Type Class DMG STA Hold Priority Targeting
Paralyzing Poison toxic(+toxic) Status - 23 2 2_Normal Single Other Target
Urushiol toxic(+toxic) Physical 41 8 0 2_Normal -
Water Cannon water(+toxic) Special 95 24 0 2_Normal Single Other Target

