Temtem Wiki
Toxic Plume is a SpecialSpecialtoxicTechnique.


Toxic Plume does damage to a single team and gives them the Poisoned ConditionPoisoned Condition for 1 turn.

When used in combination with a crystal ally, it costs 8 less STA, totaling 16, and the targets also receive ATKStats.


Like a faulty airship engine, this Temtem can leave a trail of toxic gas that gives Poisoned ConditionPoison to the whole team for 1 turn.

Synergy Description[]

Used in combination with a crystalCrystal ally, Toxic Plume saves you STA and the target gets ATK Stats.


The following is a list of Temtem who learn Toxic Plume. This technique is not learned yet by any Temtem.
See all Techniques

Toxic Plume
Technique Details
Type toxicToxic
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 50
STA Cost 24
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting ?
Synergy Details
Synergy crystalCrystal