Taming is the tradition of capturing untamed Temtem by use of TemCards. Tamed Temtem will be added to the player's squad, unless it already contains six Temtem in which case they will be sent to the TemDeck accessible at any Temporium.
TemCards are unique items sold at Temporiums that can be used during combat to capture untamed Temtem. Currently there are four kinds, each with a different effect on the chance to capture a Temtem: the basic TemCard, the improved TemCard+, the greatly improved TemCard++, and the SaiCard which is exclusive to Saipark. TemCards are consumed upon use, whether or not the capture was successful.
Capture formula[]
The following formulae are used to determine the odds of taming a Temtem. If the value of a is 140 or higher, the target is guaranteed to be captured. Otherwise, the game performs four "shakes" and generates a random number between 0 and 50,000 (inclusive) for each shake. If this number is equal to or higher than b, the shake fails. If any shake fails, the Temtem will break out on that shake. If all shakes succeed, the Temtem is captured.
HPMax - The HP stat total of the target.
HPCurrent - The current HP of the target.
TCR - TemtemCaptureRate represents the catch rate of the target species.
TCB - TemcardCaptureBonus depends on the type of TemCard used.
- TemCard: 1.0
- TemCard+: 1.5
- TemCard++: 2.5
- SaiCard: 2.0
TemtemLevel - The level of the target.
TSB - TemtemStatusBonus is based on the status conditions of the target. If the target has two status conditions applied, the values are multiplied.
- Asleep: 1.5
- Frozen: 1.5
- Burned: 1.25
- Poisoned: 1.25
- Cold: 1.2
- Trapped: 1.2
- Exhausted: 1.1
- Seized: 1.1
- None: 1.0
- Alerted: 0.8
- Invigorated: 0.8
- Evading: 0.5
FLCB - FourLeafCloverBonus is based on the presence of the Four-Leaf Clover.
- No Four-Leaf Clover: 1.0
- Four-Leaf Clover on active Temtem of player OR coop player: 1.1
- Four-Leaf Clover on active Temtem of both player AND coop player: 1.21
Catch Rates[]
A Paharo is captured within a TemCard from the Kickstarter trailer.
A Lapinite being captured by a TemCard. The Four-Leaf Clover also boots the capture rate.