Status Conditions are passive effects that can be applied to Temtem in Combat through the use of Techniques or the activation of Traits. Each status condition has its own distinct effect, and most affect the catch rate of untamed Temtem as well. Up to two status conditions can be applied at a time. When a new condition is applied, the oldest one is removed. The duration of status conditions is fixed to a specific amount of turns, and swapping a Temtem out of the battlefield will not remove their effect.
Name | Type | Effect |
Misogi | Technique | Removes All on Target |
Neutrality | Trait | Prevents All negative Status Conditions on User |
Status conditions can be grouped by by positive, negative and neutral. This may affect interactions with certain Traits.
Negative Status Conditions[]
Negative status conditions are affected by traits like Neutrality and Resistant.
Asleep Temtem cannot attack. If they are damaged, including damage from other conditions like
Burned or
Poisoned, they will wake up and the Asleep condition is removed. Upon waking, the Temtem will gain the
Alerted condition until the end of the next turn.
Mental type Temtem are immune against the Asleep condition.
Burned Temtem lose 1/16 of health every turn and it reduces both the ATK and SPATK stats by 30%. Temtem of the
Fire type are immune against this condition. The Burned condition erases the
Cold and
Frozen conditions when applied to a Temtem, and vice versa these conditions can remove the Burned condition.
While the Cold status condition does not have a direct impact, it serves to set up the Frozen status condtions listed below. Cold erases the
Burned Condition from a Temtem, while Burned erases both the Cold and Frozen conditions.
If Cold is afflicted twice, the Temtem becomes
Frozen. Frozen Temtem cannot attack, but they can rest normally. Like Cold, Frozen also erases the
Burned Condition from a Temtem, while Burned erases both the Cold and Frozen conditions.
The Stamina cost of techniques used by an Exhausted Temtem increases by 50%. Applying the
Invigorated condition removes the Exhausted condition and vice versa.
List of all Exhausted Techniques
Synergies do not work with Isolated Temtem.
List of all Isolated Techniques
Poisoned Temtem lose 1/8 of their health every turn. Temtem of the
Toxic type are immune against this condition.
List of all Poisoned Techniques
Seized Temtem lose their equipped gear's effect.
Trapped Temtem cannot swap out.
List of all Trapped Techniques
Positive Status Conditions[]
Positive status conditions are affected by traits like Receptive.
An Alerted Temtem cannot fall asleep. After a Temtem loses the
Asleep Condition, it will gain Alerted until the end of the next turn.
List of all Alerted Techniques
Regenerated Temtem heal 1/10 of their health on each turn.
List of all Regenerated Techniques
List of all Regenerated Traits
An Evading Temtem will not be affected by the next offensive technique used on it. Once damaged, this condition is removed.
List of all Evading Techniques
Immune Temtem are unable to be afflicted with new status conditions.
The Stamina cost of techniques used by a Invigorated Temtem decreases by 50%. Applying the
Exhausted condition removes the Invigorated condition and vice versa.
List of all Invigorated Techniques
List of all Invigorated Traits
Neutral Status Conditions[]
Neutral status conditions are not affected by traits like Neutrality and Receptive.
Nullified Temtem have their type based resistances and weaknesses omitted.
List of all Nullified Techniques
Other Status Conditions[]
The following status conditions cannot be categorized as negative, positive or neutral due to the following reasons:
- They are not affected by Resistant
- They are affected by Neutrality
- They are not affected by Receptive
Once the turn counter on the Doomed Temtem hits 0, the Temtem faints.