Temtem Wiki
A stampede worth of the Kisiwan savanna. Damages the whole team.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 100
STA Cost 33
Hold 2
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Other Team or Ally
Synergy Details
Used in combination with an earth Earth ally, inflicts extra damage and Seized Condition seizes for 3 turns.
Synergy earthEarth
Damage 125
Effects 3 Turns Seized ConditionSeized

Stampede is a PhysicalPhysical neutralNeutral Technique with an earthEarth Synergy.


Stampede deals damage to the rival team or the user's ally.

If used with an earthEarth ally, its damage increases to 125 and also inflicts the Seized ConditionSeized Condition for 3 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#015 MagmutMagmut 66
#031 RhoulderRhoulder 37
#059 RaicanRaican 58
#101 KaurenKauren 39
#148 MawmenseMawmense 95
#151 MinoxMinox 48
#152 MinothorMinothor 48
#163 TyranakTyranak 55

Update History[]
