Temtem Wiki
Slow Down
Time to chill and take it slow... The target gets SPD Stats
Technique Details
Type mentalMental
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 12
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Target
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a mental Mental ally, Slow Down also causes the target to fall Asleep Condition asleep for 2 turns.
Synergy mentalMental
Effects 2 Turns Asleep Condition Asleep

Slow Down is a StatusStatus mentalMental Technique with a mentalMental Synergy.


Slow Down inflicts a single target with SPDStats.

If used with a mentalMental ally, it also inflicts the Asleep ConditionAsleep Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#080 PocusPocus 65
#112 GrumperGrumper 89

Update History[]
