Temtem Wiki
Sanative Rain
Known as "the blessing rains of Kisiwa", this shamanic technique heals 15% of every Temtem on the battlefield..
Technique Details
Type waterWater
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 20
Hold 1
Priority 1_Low
Targeting All
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a wind Wind ally, Sanative Rain heals allied Temtem by 20% but enemies by only 10%.
Synergy windWind
Priority 2_Normal
Effects Restore 20% of allies maximum StatHPHP
Restore 10% of rival's maximum StatHPHP

Sanative Rain is a StatusStatus waterWater Technique with a windWind Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC037.


Sanative Rain restores 15% of all combatants on the battlefield's maximum StatHPHP.

If used with a windWind ally, its priority increases to Normal and instead restores 20% of allies maximum StatHPHP and restores 10% of rival's maximum StatHPHP.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#009 PlatimousPlatimous TC037
#026 WiplumpWiplump TC037
#049 SakuSaku TC037
#061 PiraniantPiraniant TC037
#077 ShaolantShaolant TC037
#087 MastioneMastione TC037
#099 MomoMomo TC037
#104 CerneafCerneaf TC037
#115 OcearaOceara TC037
#148 MawmenseMawmense TC037

Update History[]
