Temtem Wiki
Temtem Wiki
Hard or weak, what really matters is striking first. This superfast technique does exactly 40 damage but overextends the user for the next turn.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 0
STA Cost 21
Hold 0
Priority 5_Ultra
Targeting Single Other Target

Rush is a PhysicalPhysical neutralNeutral Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC042.


Rush deals an exact 40 damage to a single other target regardless of StatDEFDEF, StatSPDEFSPDEF, Type Effectivness, or Traits, but causes the user to be overexerted the next turn.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#096 GorongGorong 78

Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#006 MolguMolgu TC042
#012 TateruTateru TC042
#059 RaicanRaican TC042
#061 PiraniantPiraniant TC042
#065 HedgineHedgine TC042
#098 SanbiSanbi TC042
#101 KaurenKauren TC042
#124 ValiarValiar TC042
#149 HazratHazrat TC042
#153 MaoalaMaoala TC042
#157 ChimurianChimurian TC042

Update History[]
