Temtem Wiki
It's always good to have a backup... This quick technique restores 40% of the target's STA.
Technique Details
Type earthEarth
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 23
Hold 1
Priority 3_High
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a water Water ally, Resotre also restores 20% STA to the user.
Synergy waterWater
Effects Restore 20% of user's maximum StatSTASTA

Restore is a StatusStatus earthEarth Technique with a waterWater Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC043.


Restore restores 40% of a single other target's maximum StatSTASTA.

If used with a waterWater ally, it also restores 20% of the user's maximum StatSTASTA.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#011 LoaliLoali TC043
#024 TaifuTaifu TC043
#038 CapyreCapyre TC043
#047 0b100b10 TC043
#078 CycroxCycrox TC043
#099 MomoMomo TC043
#112 GrumperGrumper TC043
#142 AkranoxAkranox TC043
#162 AnatanAnatan TC043

Update History[]
