Temtem Wiki
When getting a favorable status condition, increases its turns by 1.
Impact Positive
Trigger Status Condition Applied
Effect Status Condition Duration Increased

Receptive is a Status Condition affecting Trait.


Receptive increases the duration of the Vigorized ConditionVigorized, the Immune ConditionImmune, the Regenerated ConditionRegenerated, the Evading ConditionEvading, and the Alerted ConditionAlerted the holder is gifted with by 1 turn.

If the holder of Receptive is equipped with a Kaleidoscope Gear the affected status condition will still get an additional turn and will be redirected to the holder's ally.


No. Temtem First Trait Second Trait
#022 Mudrid Mudrid Receptive Resistant
#114 Gazuma Gazuma Receptive Fast Charge
#133 Tuvine Tuvine Receptive Determined
#140 Vulcrane Vulcrane Receptive Vigorous

Update History[]
