The Quetzal Dojo is the fourth Dojo in the game, with Yareni as the Dojo Master. It is located in Quetzal with the theme being Crystal and ToxicTemtem. It was built as a tribute to the spirit of Tucma, a reflection of its heritage. Although it's not necessarily safe, tamers love it. Yareni, the venerable Matriarch, is the "ultimate authority on Crystal and Toxic Temtem." As a more traditional master, she has studied in Cipanku for many years. At this dojo, expert tamers developed Mushook.
Crystal covers the floor of the Quetzal Dojo, causing the player to slide down various lanes and bounce of rotating padded blocks. The very first thing the player encounters are a pair of these padded blocks. After they time their entry and bounce off the block correctly, they encounter two staircases. Although players can reach the tamers and items through many various paths, some are more direct than others.
Down the right staircase, the player can reach x1 Growth Enhancer by timing their bounce in the right south-facing lane. Other items and a fight lie through left south-facing lane. After timing a bounce through this lane, if the player then times a bounce in the downward lane, they will encounter 1x Ether+, 1x Tonic+, and 1x Balm+; additionally, they can time a bounce in the upward lane to fight the optional battle Tonali.
Down the left staircase, the player can reach the first fight, Mitotl, by going down the center lane. Then they can reach the next fight, Atlatl, by timing their way through the center lane going right; additionally, they can reach x2 Tiny Crystal by taking the bottom lane. From Atlatl's location, they can reach the next fight, Cactonki, by timing their way through the north-facing lane farthest left.
From Cactonki, the player can take the right lane to eventually reach Yareni. They can also reach other items by taking the north lane. After taking it, they can take the right-most lane to reach x1 Telemore Hack - SPD. They can also take the left lane, and time their way left, and then time their way right, to reach x1 Telemore Hack - SPATK and x1 Telemore Hack - SPDEF.