Temtem Wiki
Quartz Dirt
Micro-fine particles designed to inflict macro-damage to a whole team. Make sure you don't inhale them!
Technique Details
Type crystalCrystal
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 70
STA Cost 20
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Other Team or Ally
Synergy Details
A denser cloud. Used in combination with an earth Earth ally, Quartz Dirt Trapped Condition traps the targets for 2 turns.
Synergy earthEarth
Damage 80
Effects 2 Turns Trapped Condition Trapped

Quartz Dirt is a SpecialSpecial crystalCrystal Technique with an earthEarth Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC035.


Quartz Dirt deals damage to the rival team or the user's ally.

If used with an earthEarth ally, its damage increases to 80 and also inflicts the Trapped ConditionTrapped Condition for 2 turns.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#022 MudridMudrid TC035
#056 MyxMyx TC035
#075 InnkiInnki TC035
#146 WaspeenWaspeen TC035
#161 AnahirAnahir TC035
#162 AnatanAnatan TC035

Update History[]
