Temtem Wiki

The postal service is a system of daily quests that can be picked up from the post office in the city of Uhuru in Kisiwa. The building is located in the north-western side and has a small envelope icon on the map. Once inside, players can speak to the Post Office Manager and tell her they are looking for a job. She'll assign 1-3 different delivery quests for different NPCs in the world. These quests will reward the player with Pansuns and items.

Deliveries are time sensitive and reset daily at 8 am UTC.

If the NPC is a tamer that you can battle, you must battle them first before being able to give them their package.


The map below shows the location of an NPC selected from a dropdown menu. They will appear as a red dot on the map. You can search for an NPC by selecting the dropdown and then typing their name, and it will attempt to autocomplete. The URL in your browser will update when you select a target. If you visit this page through that updated link, it will start with that NPC already selected.

Missing NPCs and other problems should be reported on the talk page or in the wiki channel of the Temtem Discord server.

JavaScript must be enabled for this map to work. If you do not see a dropdown list below, it probably means you have JavaScript disabled.

If you can't type in the input box, try holding down the left mouse button while typing. This issue is being looked into.

Mobile users: If you see a dot but no map, scroll just a little bit to make it load.
Select a target above
Aguamarina Caves mail
Anak Volcano mail
Arbury mail
Barafu Glacier mail
Chini Grotto mail
Cipanku mail
Deniz mail
Gardens of Aztlan mail
Giant Banyan mail
Juu Tunnel mail
Kilima Peaks mail
Kisiwa Leeward mail
Kisiwa Windward mail
Neoedo Dojo mail
Omninesia Citerior mail
Omninesia Superior mail
Omninesia Ulterior mail
Sewers of Properton mail
The Highbelow mail
Tucma mail
Tucma Subsurface mail
Vumbi Dojo mail
Windward Fort mail


These images contain all the locations present in the above map.


Rewards will always include some amount of pansuns but may also include any combination of the items below:
