Temtem Wiki
A dirty trick from the seedier alleys of Lochburg, uses nimble fingers (or claws) to Seized Condition Seize the target for 2 turns.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 35
STA Cost 20
Hold 1
Priority 4_VeryHigh
Targeting Single Other Target

Pickpocket is a PhysicalPhysical neutralNeutral Technique.


Pickpocket deals damage to a single other target and inflicts them with the Seized ConditionSeized Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#029 GotyGoty 36
#030 MouflankMouflank 36
#056 MyxMyx 60


No. Temtem Parent
#075 InnkiInnki
#080 PocusPocus
  • * indicates the parent must learn the technique through a Technique Course.
  • ^ indicates the parent must learn the technique through Breeding.
  • + indicates the parent must be bred with a later evolution stage or related evolution due to a type addition/changing/difference.
  • - indicates the parent must be bred with an earlier evolution stage due to either a type or their gender ratio changing upon evolution.
  • ‡ indicates any variation of the parent can be used.

Update History[]
