Temtem Wiki
Nito Seiho
Derived from Cipanki martial traditions, this technique deals a powerful melee Melee strike and gives them DEF Stats.
Technique Details
Type meleeMelee
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 105
STA Cost 22
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target

Nito Seiho is a PhysicalPhysical meleeMelee Technique.


Nito Seiho deals damage to a single other target and inflicts them with DEFStats.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#067 OsukanOsukan 23
#068 OsukaiOsukai 23
#143 Koish (Melee)Koish 52
#153 MaoalaMaoala 75

Update History[]
