Temtem Wiki
Nightmare Feed
Nothing creepier than feeding on a sleeping victim... Inflicts 30% damage to a Asleep Condition sleeping enemy and heals the user by 30%.
Technique Details
Type mentalMental
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 11
Hold 2
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Single Other Target

Nightmare Feed is a StatusStatus mentalMental Technique.


Nightmare Feed causes a single target to lose 30% of their maximum StatHPHP and the user to restore 30% of their maximum StatHPHP if the target is afflicted with the Asleep ConditionAsleep Condition. It will not cause the target to wake up.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#043 AohiAohi 90
#095 ZizareZizare 80
#098 SanbiSanbi 49

Update History[]
