Temtem Wiki
Nagaise's Fury is a SpecialSpecialwaterWaterTechnique with a mentalMentalSynergy and a signature technique of Nagaise.


Nagaise's Fury deals damage to the rival team or the user's ally.

If used with a mentalMental ally, its damage increases to 135.


Level up[]

Nagaise's Fury
lä, lä! Nagaise is calling some water Water friends from the deeps... The whole enemy team will regret this.
Technique Details
Type waterWater
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 105
STA Cost 33
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Other Team or Ally
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a mental Mental ally, Nagaise's Fury inflicts extra damage.
Synergy mentalMental
Damage 135
No. Temtem Level
#034 NagaiseNagaise 58

Update History[]
