The Mokupuni Dojo is small and covered in both bushes and lava. The lava is divided into four pools, with each section of lava having platforms varying in size. The platforms in each pool move in opposite directions of each other. Some platforms contain greenery that will immobilize whoever steps onto them, eventually forcing them back to the entrance of the Dojo. As such, they require decent timing to get to the Dojo tamers within. The pool at the entrance has the slowest moving platforms, with the the middle pool being slightly faster, and the platforms leading to Rawiri are a bit faster than the middle pools.
The previous Dojo Master retired, leaving room for Rawiri the current Master.
It is possible to skip the other tamers and go straight for Rawiri.
Progressing through this Dojo is reminiscent of the game Frogger. Where the player has to direct frogs to jump past obstacles and from platforms, each moving at various speeds, in order to reach the other side unharmed.
The previous Dojo Master is alive and well, sitting on a bench not far from the Mokupuni Dojo.
When stepping on a platform covered in bushes, the player is immobilized. A visual effect also communicates to the player that something is happening. The effect consists of a slightly, but noticeable, distorted view. And a greenish swirl moving about the player.