Temtem Wiki
The monks of Miyako developed this technique to eliminate all altered states on the Temtem.
Technique Details
Type waterWater
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 18
Hold 2
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Self
Synergy Details
Using this waterfall meditation with a water Water ally, you become Immune Condition immune for 3 turns.
Synergy waterWater
Effects 3 Turns Immune ConditionImmune

Misogi is a StatusStatus waterWater Technique with a waterWater Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC005.


Misogi cures/removes all Status Conditions gifted/given/inflicted on the user.

If used with a waterWater ally, it also gifts the user with the Immune ConditionImmune Condition for 3 turns.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#009 PlatimousPlatimous TC005
#010 SwaliSwali TC005
#011 LoaliLoali TC005
#016 PaharoPaharo TC005
#017 PaharacPaharac TC005
#018 GranpahGranpah TC005
#023 HidodyHidody TC005
#024 TaifuTaifu TC005
#027 SkailSkail TC005
#028 SkunchSkunch TC005
#043 AohiAohi TC005
#044 BiguBigu TC005
#045 BabawaBabawa TC005
#053 BarnsheBarnshe TC005
#068 OsukaiOsukai TC005
#069 SaipatSaipat TC005
#076 ShaoliteShaolite TC005
#077 ShaolantShaolant TC005
#092 SmazeeSmazee TC005
#093 BaboongBaboong TC005
#094 SeismunchSeismunch TC005
#113 GankiGanki TC005
#114 GazumaGazuma TC005
#116 YowlarYowlar TC005
#129 AdoroborosAdoroboros TC005
#137 KinuKinu TC005
#141 PigepicPigepic TC005
#143 Koish (Water)Koish TC005

Update History[]
