Temtem Wiki
Meteor Swarm
Death from above... A barrage of flaming meteorites that inflicts fire Fire damage on the whole team.
Technique Details
Type fireFire
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 80
STA Cost 29
Hold 1
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Other Team or Ally
Synergy Details
It's raining fire! Inflicts burns on the whole team.
Synergy fireFire
Damage 90
Effects 2 Turns Burned ConditionBurned

Meteor Swarm is a PhysicalPhysical fireFire Technique with a fireFire Synergy.


Meteor Swarm deals damage to the rival team or the user's ally.

If used with a fireFire ally, its damage increases to 90 and also inflicts the Burned ConditionBurned Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#015 MagmutMagmut 95
#059 RaicanRaican 48
#087 MastioneMastione 37
#161 AnahirAnahir 27
#162 AnatanAnatan 27

There are no Temtem that gain this technique through breeding.

Update History[]
