Temtem Wiki
Look out
This Temtem has (metaphorical) eyes on the back of its head. This hyperalert state makes it Alerted Condition alerted for 5 turns and removes the Asleep Condition Asleep status condition.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 12
Hold 1
Priority 3_High
Targeting Single Target

Look out is a StatusStatus neutralNeutral Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC022.


Look out gifts a single target with the Alerted ConditionAlerted Condition for 5 turns and cures them of the Asleep ConditionAsleep Condition. Unlike other techniques, it will set the duration of any previously gifted Alerted ConditionAlerted Conditions to 5 turns.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#042 RevalReval TC022
#043 AohiAohi TC022
#065 HedgineHedgine TC022
#104 CerneafCerneaf TC022
#115 OcearaOceara TC022
#125 PupoisePupoise TC022
#126 LoatleLoatle TC022
#131 TukaiTukai TC022
#144 VulffyVulffy TC022
#157 ChimurianChimurian TC022

Update History[]
