Temtem Wiki
Lava Wave
Some Temtem like a hot batch, and some like it PIPING hot. This technique inflicts moderate damage.
Technique Details
Type fireFire
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 100
STA Cost 28
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Love me a streamin' bath! Used in combination with a water ally Lava Wave seizes for 3 turns and increases priority.
Synergy waterWater
Priority 3_High
Effects +3 Turns Seized ConditionSeized

Lava Wave is a PhysicalPhysical fireFire Technique.


Lava Wave deals damage to a single target.

If used with a waterWater ally, it inflicts the Seized ConditionSeized Condition for 3 turns and increases the priority by one.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#087 MastioneMastione 64
#143 Koish (Fire)Koish 52
#149 HazratHazrat 80

Technique Course[]

There are no Temtem that gain this technique through a technique course.


There are no Temtem that gain this technique through breeding.

Update History[]
