Temtem Wiki
Unspeakable nightmares! Obviously, they can only hurt an Asleep Condition asleep target, but they do massive damage to the sleeper.
Technique Details
Type mentalMental
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 175
STA Cost 20
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target

Horror is a SpecialSpecial mentalMental Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC040.


Horror deals damage to a single target if they're afflicted with the Asleep ConditionAsleep Condition.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#043 AohiAohi TC040
#056 MyxMyx TC040
#080 PocusPocus TC040
#087 MastioneMastione TC040
#106 NoxolotlNoxolotl TC040
#112 GrumperGrumper TC040
#126 LoatleLoatle TC040
#129 AdoroborosAdoroboros TC040
#156 VentalVental TC040

Update History[]
