Temtem Wiki
Heavy Blow
Effective and unsubtle, like a Tucmani mine drill.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 58
STA Cost 12
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target

Heavy Blow is a PhysicalPhysical neutralNeutral Technique.


Heavy Blow deals damage to a single other target.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#012 TateruTateru 10
#037 BanapiBanapi 4
#038 CapyreCapyre 4
#055 OccluraOcclura 10
#056 MyxMyx 10
#097 MittyMitty 5
#098 SanbiSanbi 5
#107 BloozeBlooze 10
#108 GoolderGoolder 10
#141 PigepicPigepic 12
#154 VenxVenx 6
#155 VenmetVenmet 6
#156 VentalVental 6

Update History[]
