Temtem Wiki
Hasty Lunge
An all-out attack, no time or thought for defense! It's fast, inflicts moderate damage but also overextends the user during their next turn.
Technique Details
Type electricElectric
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 90
STA Cost 28
Hold 0
Priority 3_High
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a nature ally, Hasty Lunge doesn't overextend the user.
Synergy natureNature
Effects User won't be overexerted

Hasty Lunge is a PhysicalPhysical electricElectric Technique with a natureNature Synergy.


Hasty Lunge deals damage to a single other target but causes the user to be overexerted the next turn.

If used with a natureNature ally, it won't overexert the user.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#020 AmphatyrAmphatyr 88
#083 GolzyGolzy 84
#152 MinothorMinothor 80

Update History[]
