Temtem Wiki
Anything is better than generic. This technique Nullified Condition nullifies you for 2 turns.
Technique Details
Type digitalDigital
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 11
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Self
Synergy Details
Even more generic? Used in combination with a neutral Neutral ally, Generify Nullified Condition nullifies and lets you Evading Condition evade for 2 turns.
Synergy neutralNeutral
Effects 2 Turns Evading ConditionEvading

Generify is a StatusStatus digitalDigital Technique with a neutralNeutral Synergy.


Generify gives the user the Nullified ConditionNullified Condition for 2 turns.

If used with a neutralNeutral ally, it also gifts the user with the Evading ConditionEvading Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#004 Chromeon (Digital)Chromeon 26
#065 HedgineHedgine 16
#146 WaspeenWaspeen 63

Update History[]
