Temtem Wiki
Fiery Soul
An alter ego of flames, channeled directly from the Anak spirit, which inflicts moderate damage and Burned Condition burns the enemy for 1 turn.
Technique Details
Type fireFire
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 70
STA Cost 27
Hold 0
Priority 3_High
Targeting Single Other Target

Fiery Soul is a SpecialSpecial fireFire Technique.


Fiery Soul deals damage to a single other target and inflicts them with the Burned ConditionBurned Condition for 1 turn.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#015 MagmutMagmut 78
#043 AohiAohi 78
#071 DrakashDrakash 76
#132 TulcanTulcan 70
#162 AnatanAnatan 91


  • Referred to as "Fsoul" by the Temtem community.

Update History[]
