Temtem Wiki
Extra Energy Slam
A simple truth about Temtem fighting - the stronger you are, the harder you hit. This neutral Neutral technique inflicts variable damage depending on the launcher's STA.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 90
STA Cost 31
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target

Extra Energy Slam is a PhysicalPhysical neutralNeutral Technique.


Extra Energy Slam deals damage to a single other target with its damage varying based on the user's current StatSTASTA.

The following formula applies:

  • CSTA refers to the user's current StatSTASTA after the technique STA cost have been applied. (Before damage calculation)
  • The damage from StatSTASTA only has STAB and Type effectiveness modifiers applied. It is considered a type of "bonus damage", and so does not get modified from any Items or Traits.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#012 TateruTateru 84
#024 TaifuTaifu 80
#083 GolzyGolzy 92
#124 ValiarValiar 40


No. Temtem Parent
#080 PocusPocus
  • * indicates the parent must learn the technique through a Technique Course.
  • ^ indicates the parent must learn the technique through Breeding.
  • + indicates the parent must be bred with a later evolution stage or related evolution due to a type addition/changing/difference.
  • - indicates the parent must be bred with an earlier evolution stage due to either a type or their gender ratio changing upon evolution.
  • ‡ indicates any variation of the parent can be used.


  • Referred to as "EES" by the Temtem community.

Update History[]
