Temtem Wiki
"Omnes vulnerant, postuma necat". Slowly the hour creeps onwards... it does only slight damage, but if that leaves the Temtem under 35% of their total HP... it's over for them.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 50
STA Cost 23
Hold 3
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Single Other Target

Execution is a PhysicalPhysical neutralNeutral Technique.


Execution deals damage to a single other target and if this damage would put them below 35% of their maximum StatHPHP, they're instead instantly knocked-out.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#006 MolguMolgu 55
#030 MouflankMouflank 57
#031 RhoulderRhoulder 46
#077 ShaolantShaolant 80
#158 ArachnyteArachnyte 82

Update History[]
