Evolution is the process by which Temtem transform to the next Temtem in their evolutionary line. To evolve, a Temtem needs to have reached a certain Level or requires certain criteria that as of now (Alpha 0.1) is unknown. It is possible to cancel the Evolution of a Temtem by pressing the equivalent of the B button in Xbox or the escape button in the keyboard.
Evolution effects[]
When a Temtem evolves its base stats may change, usually by increasing, and it may be able to learn new Technique Courses.
Evolutionary lines[]
There are different types of Evolutionary lines in Temtem. Some species are the only representative of their Evolutionary Line and are unable to evolve, while others have 2 or even 3 stages in their line. There are also special cases of Meta-mimetic Temtem and Branching evolutions.
Single Stage[]
Two Stages[]
Base --> Final
Three Stages[]
Base --> Mid --> Final
Base --> Final1 / --> Final2 / --> Final3 [[Category:Temtem]