This patch is focused on addressing balance changes long requested by the community, as well as implementing a new system for stages. This patch will likely be the last patch of CU1, and we’re now fully focusing on 1.0 launch.
We’ve extended the Trait filter to cover eggs in the Trade House as well.
This patch introduces the new 8-stage system.
Currently, there is a maximum of 5 stages that can give you up to +250% or -71% in a certain stat except for SPD. Each +1 increases each stat by 50%, and decreases it by a variable number (read more here to know the specifics). The maximum of 250%, when reached, can be very oppressive and too much of an advantage. Since each level up was done in steps of 50%, it was difficult to balance and tweak accurately and precisely, and we believed a middle point might be the key. Because of this, and after reading several community suggestions talking about a similar solution, we thought that an 8-stage system, one of the many possible reworks for the stages, would open the chance to a better balancing. We consulted our community on some specifics, and the resulting change affects all Techniques, Traits and Gears that increase or decrease stages in the game.
This means Stages can now reach +8 and -8 instead of +5 and -5. A +8 situation will mean an increase of 200%, and a -8 situation will be a 66% decrease, as opposed to the previous maximum 250% increase and 71% decrease.
All stats now follow the same pattern the Speed value, that was originally the odd one out, was following. This means SPD now shares the same formula, and can be increased up to 200%. All stats work in the same way now.
Techniques up until now could only increase or decrease two stages of a specific stat. With this change, Techniques can now increase or decrease up to 4 stages of a specific stat.
Like with the Stamina change in the past, we’ve listed all the specific changes to each Technique, Trait and Gear here, so all of you who are interested can check them out without turning these patch notes into a bible.
With a change this big, we’ve also tweaked and revisited a handful of other Traits, Gears and Techniques that were scarcely used and that could use some improvements.
#004 – Chromeon (Neutral)
Awful Song has been added to its move pool.
#018 – Granpah
STA increased from 39 ⇒ 44.
#045 – Babawa
DEF increased from 57 ⇒ 60.
SPDEF increased from 49 ⇒ 52.
#061 – Piraniant
SPDEF increased from 37 ⇒ 42.
#068 – Osukai
SPDEF increased from 43 ⇒ 46.
#075 – Inkki
Sparks has been added to its move pool.
#110 – Volarend
STA increased from 38 ⇒ 42.
#116 – Yowlar
HP reduced from 84 ⇒ 81.
ATK reduced from 80 ⇒ 77.
#123 – Nessla
HP increased from 50 ⇒ 58.
#124 – Valiar
HP increased from 43 ⇒ 50.
#133 – Tuvine
ATK increased from 74 ⇒ 78.
HP increased from 57 ⇒ 58.
#142 – Akranox
Soil Steam has been added as a Technique Course.
#156 – Vental
Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.
#158 – Arachnyte
Awful Song added as a Technique Course.
#162 – Anatan
HP increased from 56 ⇒ 62.
Healing reduced from 35 ⇒ 30%.
Fixed damage reduced from 35 ⇒ 30%.
Savage Suplex
Damage reduced from 150 ⇒ 140.
Hold turns reduced from 2 ⇒ 1.
Healing reduced from 25 ⇒ 20%.
STA Cost reduced from 23 ⇒ 20.
Revitalize (Synergy)
STA Cost reduced from 17 ⇒ 15.
Ampere Outburst
STA Cost increased from 11 ⇒ 15.
STA Cost reduced from 4 ⇒ 0.
Feather Gatling
STA Cost reduced from 25 ⇒ 21.
Hyperkinetic Strike
STA Cost reduced from 34 ⇒ 28.
STA Cost reduced from 35 ⇒ 32.
STA Cost reduced from 28 ⇒ 24.
STA Cost reduced from 7 ⇒ 0.
STA Cost reduced from 23 ⇒ 18.
Hold Turns reduced from 2 ⇒ 1.
Trapped Turns reduced from 5 ⇒ 3.
Noxious Bomb
Damage increased from 95 ⇒ 100.
Priority increased from Very High ⇒ Ultra.
Turbo Charge
Priority reduced from Very High ⇒ Low.
Cheer Up
Priority reduced from Very High ⇒ Normal.
STA Cost increased from 7 ⇒ 10.
Priority reduced from Normal ⇒ Low.
It will now also apply 2 turns of Vigorized to the target.
Meteor Swarm (Synergy)
Burn turns increased from 1 ⇒ 2.
Sanative Rain (Synergy)
Healing to allies increased from 18 ⇒ 20%.
Healing to enemies reduced from 12 ⇒ 10%.
Soil Steam
STA Cost reduced from 24 ⇒ 21.
Damage increased from 165 ⇒ 175.
Healing reduced from 40 ⇒ 35%.
Humiliating Slap
Damage reduced from 90 ⇒ 80.
Perfect Jab
Damage reduced from 40 ⇒ 30.
STA Cost increased from 17 ⇒ 19.
Cold Breeze
STA Cost increased from 9 ⇒ 14.
Divine Inspiration
Healing reduced from 20 ⇒ 15%.
Earth Wave
Damage increased from 90 ⇒ 100.
STA Cost increased from 16 ⇒ 18.
It now also applies 1 turn of Evading to the caster.
Paralysing Poison
Poison Turns increased from 2 ⇒ 4.
Paralysing Poison (Synergy)
Poison Turns increased from 4 ⇒ 6.
Seismunch’s Wreck
Damage reduced from 110 ⇒ 105.
Seismunch’s Wreck (Synergy)
Damage reduced from 125 ⇒ 120.
Hallucination (Synergy)
Damage increased from 50 ⇒ 100.
It will now grant +1 DEF and +1 SPDEF to the target when removing the Trapped Status Condition.
STA Cost increased from 5 ⇒ 13.
It will now also heal 10% HP of the target if they had the Alerted Status Condition.
It will now also remove the Alerted Status Condition after applying the tech’s effects.
Look Out
Priority increased from Normal ⇒ High.
It will now remove the Sleep Status Condition.
With the changes made in this patch, Look Out will always refresh the remaining turns of Alerted the Tem has. Instead of merging with the amount of turns left like other Status Conditions work, Look Out will always add +5 Alerted turns. We will review Look Out in the future to make it consistent with the behavior of all the other Techs in the game.
It now also drains 10% STA of the target.
This technique will now affect every Temtem in the battlefield but the caster.
It now also applies 2 Turns of Seized.
Priority increased from Normal ⇒ High.
Diamond Fort
STA Cost reduced from 32 ⇒ 25.
Priority increased from Low ⇒ High.
Damage dealt to the target increased from 10 ⇒ 20%.
STA Cost increased from 14 ⇒ 16.
Flood (Synergy)
STA Cost reduced from 26 ⇒ 22.
Priority increased from Normal ⇒ High.
Chains Hit
It is now a Fire technique.
It now also traps the target for 2 turns.
Nito Seiho
We’ve added a new effect: it now applies -1 DEF to the target.
Healing reduced from 20 ⇒ 17%.
Damage returned to the attacker has been reduced from 40 ⇒ 35%.
It now works with the Frozen Status Condition too.
Regenerating turns reduced from 2 ⇒ 1.
Damage reduction reduced from 33 ⇒ 20%.
The once-per-turn restriction has been removed.
Refreshing Diabolo
Healing reduced from 50 ⇒ 40%.
Trapped turns reduced from 3 ⇒ 2.
Nutrition Bar
Healing reduced from 7 ⇒ 6%.
Status Conditions redirected onto an ally now have one less turn.
Immunity Turns reduced from 5 ⇒ 0.
Apart from its previous effect, which remains, we’ve added a new effect: when the holder of this Gear leaves the battlefield, every Status Condition applied to them is removed.
Fixed getting disconnected from the game chat. Yessssssss at long last!
Fixed a softlock when attacking Volgon with Magma Cannon in a Lair.
👥Fixed a softlock caused by the Spectate Mode.
👥Fixed getting softlocked if a Player that already had the “Saipark Scout” achievement closed the game during a battle with one of the two special Temtem from the Saipark and then captured it once they opened the game again.
👥Fixed a black screen after a battle in the Dojo Park if one of the members of the Co-op party reached the weekly encounter limit while the other had encounters remaining in that Club Dojo.
Fixed players being able to go beyond the Dojo Park avatars without fighting them while in Co-op.
👥Fixed getting stuck in several parts of the map across the game while using mouse movement.
👥Fixed not being able to use the mount if a Player was on a Mount, then started climbing and used a Smokebomb while climbing that led them to a exterior zone of the world.
👥Fixed Dozing Hit working on targets with the Nullified Status Condition.
Fixed not being able to access the Advanced Details in the Trade House’s filter if a filter with the Egg Check was cleared by changing between sections in the Trade House menu.
Fixed Temtem’s TVs color in the trade house.
Fixed luma Temtem not appearing with their luma portrait at the “My Auctions” section in the Trade House.
👥Fixed ETCs and WishYouWell Coins not being included in the list of items available to auto-complete in the Trade House search.
Fixed Trade House’s filtered view showing Temtem that shouldn’t be included by filter specifications if the total number of Temtem species was 50 or more.
Fixed not being able to scroll when applying a filter in a section of the Trade House, going to the second page of the filtered list and then going to a different section and coming back.
Fixed Dojo Park’s avatars appearing without the holographic texture.
Fixed Dojo Wars’ UI not showing the correct zone of the bracket for the current round.
Fixed some parts of the map not loading due to a specific movement when entering a new zone. This is one of the oldest bugs in the game, from back during the Alpha. So long, pardner.
Fixed Temtem portraits appearing white in the battle log after opening the bonuses UI during a Lair combat.
👥Fixed getting the wrong dialogue after defeating a tamer in the Dojo Park challenge if the Player quit the game while in the Pick/Ban phase.
Fixed that revalidating a Club Dojo ownership removed all the furniture from the Dojo.
👥Fixed losing furniture if a Club removed a furniture item of which they had 99 units in their Club Vault.
👥Fixed Neutral Chromeon’s color resetting to the Digital one.
Fixed NPC Bitrus not being at Kilima Peaks after starting the Twin Peaks quest.
👥Fixed Adia mentioning Mines of Mictlan instead of Uhuru in the cinematic that happens before entering Uhuru.
Fixed that one of the cosmetic stores was selling a hat not meant to be sellable. It has now been substituted by another hat.
Fixed one player’s position was not resetting correctly if there was a server reset while in Co-op.
Fixed Player names’ swapped in the Club’s Activity Log when retrieving an item.
To avoid possible issues, players won’t be able to set Ready in a Dojo War until every battle of a round has ended.