Temtem Wiki
A bone-dry technique that leaves every Temtem on the battlefield except the user Exhausted Condition Exhausted and Seized Condition Seized for 2 turns, and the attacker overextended next turn.
Technique Details
Type earthEarth
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 14
Hold 1
Priority 4_VeryHigh
Targeting All Other Temtem

Drought is a StatusStatus earthEarth Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC025.


Drought inflicts all other combatants on the battlefield with the Exhausted ConditionExhausted Condition and the Seized ConditionSeized Condition for 2 turns but causes the user to be overexerted the next turn.


Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#013 GharunderGharunder TC025
#031 RhoulderRhoulder TC025
#063 ScaravoltScaravolt TC025
#071 DrakashDrakash TC025
#112 GrumperGrumper TC025
#119 BroccoblinBroccoblin TC025
#120 BroccorcBroccorc TC025
#121 BroccolemBroccolem TC025

Update History[]
