Temtem Wiki
Double Edge is a SpecialSpecialneutralNeutralTechnique with a neutralNeutral Synergy. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC021.


Double Edge deals damage to a single other target and gifts them with DEFStats and SPDEFStats.

If used with a neutralNeutral ally, its damage decreases to 1.


Technique Course[]

Double Edge
Cuts both ways, in true neutral Neutral fashion - inflicts moderate damage to the target, but also gives it DEF Stats and SPDEF Stats.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 84
STA Cost 12
Hold 0
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Synergy neutralNeutral
Damage 1
No. Temtem TC
#005 HalzhiHalzhi TC021
#006 MolguMolgu TC021
#030 MouflankMouflank TC021
#047 0b100b10 TC021
#076 ShaoliteShaolite TC021
#077 ShaolantShaolant TC021
#095 ZizareZizare TC021
#099 MomoMomo TC021
#112 GrumperGrumper TC021
#118 GaryoGaryo TC021
#119 BroccoblinBroccoblin TC021
#120 BroccorcBroccorc TC021
#121 BroccolemBroccolem TC021
#158 ArachnyteArachnyte TC021


  • Synergy boosted Double Edge is tied with Psychic Collaborator and Wake Up for the lowest base damage of all damage-dealing techniques.
  • Referred to as "DE" or "Dedge" by the Temtem community.

Update History[]
