Temtem Wiki
Digital type
Effective against mentaldigitalmelee
Ineffective against None
Resistant to toxic
Weak to waterelectricdigital
A new era of technological wonders has come to the Archipelago, and Digital Temtem are the paradigmatic example. Created in the high-tech labs of Nanto, these hybrid creatures possess qualities that no organic Temtem does.
~ Kickstarter Update #14[1]

Digital type is one of the types Temtem and their Techniques can have. Temtem with the Digital type are predominantly featured on Cipanku.

Type Effectiveness[]

Digital type techniques are very effective against mentalMental, digitalDigital, and meleeMelee Temtem.
Digital type Temtem are resistant to toxicToxic techniques, while they are weak to waterWater, electricElectric, and digitalDigital techniques.

Digital Temtem[]

No. Temtem Type(s) Base Stats
#004 Chromeon (Toxic)Chromeon (Toxic) digitalDigital toxicToxic 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Crystal)Chromeon (Crystal) digitalDigital crystalCrystal 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Melee)Chromeon (Melee) digitalDigital meleeMelee 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Mental)Chromeon (Mental) digitalDigital mentalMental 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Electric)Chromeon (Electric) digitalDigital electricElectric 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Nature)Chromeon (Nature) digitalDigital natureNature 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Fire)Chromeon (Fire) digitalDigital fireFire 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Water)Chromeon (Water) digitalDigital waterWater 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Earth)Chromeon (Earth) digitalDigital earthEarth 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Wind)Chromeon (Wind) digitalDigital windWind 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Neutral)Chromeon (Neutral) digitalDigital neutralNeutral 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#004 Chromeon (Digital)Chromeon (Digital) digitalDigital 61 55 66 65 49 78 63 437
#023 HidodyHidody natureNature 49 70 39 42 39 62 55 356
#143 Koish (Toxic)Koish (Toxic) waterWater toxicToxic 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Crystal)Koish (Crystal) waterWater crystalCrystal 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Melee)Koish (Melee) waterWater meleeMelee 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Digital)Koish (Digital) waterWater digitalDigital 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Mental)Koish (Mental) waterWater mentalMental 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Electric)Koish (Electric) waterWater electricElectric 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Nature)Koish (Nature) waterWater natureNature 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Fire)Koish (Fire) waterWater fireFire 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Earth)Koish (Earth) waterWater earthEarth 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Wind)Koish (Wind) waterWater windWind 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Neutral)Koish (Neutral) waterWater neutralNeutral 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447
#143 Koish (Water)Koish (Water) waterWater 51 55 66 83 68 70 54 447

Digital Techniques[]

The Techniques Table is broken. Please contact an Administrator

Synergy Techniques[]

These techniques get a synergy bonus when used with a Digital type partner. The Techniques Table is broken. Please contact an Administrator


  • Digital type is represented by the color grey.
  • Digital is the only type that is weak to itself.
  • Digital is the only type that is not resisted by any other types.

