Temtem Wiki
Debris Typhoon is a PhysicalPhysicalwindWindTechnique with a windWind Synergy.


Debris Typhoon deals damage to a single target.

If used with a windWind ally, its damage increases to 95.


Level up[]

Debris Typhoon
A good brute-force technique if you don't mind tidying up later.
Technique Details
Type windWind
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 73
STA Cost 11
Hold 0
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Target
Synergy Details
Synergy windWind
Damage 95
No. Temtem Level
#048 KakuKaku 14
#049 SakuSaku 14
#143 Koish (Wind)Koish 80
#145 ChubeeChubee 21
#146 WaspeenWaspeen 21

Update History[]
