Temtem Wiki
Crystal Deluge
It's raining 'Tems, hallelujah! This special crystal Crystal technique inflicts moderate damage and Isolated Condition isolates it for 3 turns.
Technique Details
Type crystalCrystal
Class SpecialSpecial
Damage 100
STA Cost 29
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Target
Synergy Details
Used in combination with a mental Mental ally, Crystal Deluge makes you Asleep Condition asleep for 2 turns and increases priority.
Synergy mentalMental
Priority 3_High
Effects 2 Turns Asleep ConditionAsleep

Crystal Deluge is a SpecialSpecial crystalCrystal Technique with a mentalMental Synergy.


Crystal Deluge deals damage to a single target and inflicts them with the Isolated ConditionIsolated Condition for 3 turns.

If used with a mentalMental ally, its priority increases to High and also inflicts the Asleep ConditionAsleep Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#004 Chromeon CrystalChromeon
#022 MudridMudrid 45
#041 ZenorethZenoreth 79
#074 TorteniteTortenite 80


No. Temtem Parent
#145 ChubeeChubee
Chromeon (Crystal)
#146 WaspeenWaspeen
Chromeon (Crystal)
  • * indicates the parent must learn the technique through a Technique Course.
  • ^ indicates the parent must learn the technique through Breeding.
  • + indicates the parent must be bred with a later evolution stage or related evolution due to a type addition/changing/difference.
  • - indicates the parent must be bred with an earlier evolution stage due to either a type or their gender ratio changing upon evolution.
  • ‡ indicates any variation of the parent can be used.

Update History[]
