Temtem Wiki
In you go, Nick! Everyone on the battlefield gets Trapped Condition Trapped for 2 turns.
Technique Details
Type neutralNeutral
Class StatusStatus
Damage 0
STA Cost 27
Hold 1
Priority 5_Ultra
Targeting All

Cage is a StatusStatus neutralNeutral Technique. It's also a Technique Course, labelled as TC011.


Cage inflicts all combatants on the battlefield with the Trapped ConditionTrapped Condition for 2 turns.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#164 VolgonVolgon 29

Technique Course[]

No. Temtem TC
#005 HalzhiHalzhi TC011
#006 MolguMolgu TC011
#012 TateruTateru TC011
#023 HidodyHidody TC011
#024 TaifuTaifu TC011
#028 SkunchSkunch TC011
#030 MouflankMouflank TC011
#031 RhoulderRhoulder TC011
#056 MyxMyx TC011
#073 SheraldSherald TC011
#074 TorteniteTortenite TC011
#082 SparzySparzy TC011
#083 GolzyGolzy TC011
#085 MushookMushook TC011
#087 MastioneMastione TC011
#090 GalvanidGalvanid TC011
#091 RaignetRaignet TC011
#097 MittyMitty TC011
#098 SanbiSanbi TC011
#114 GazumaGazuma TC011
#158 ArachnyteArachnyte TC011

Update History[]
