Temtem Wiki
Gravity in the Middle Sphere is capricious and mild - but this technique still causes a great deal of damage and wipes all statuses from the target.
Technique Details
Type mentalMental
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 100
STA Cost 26
Hold 1
Priority 1_Low
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Used in combination with an earth Earth ally, Blackhole also wipes all stage changes.
Synergy earthEarth
Priority 2_Normal
Effects Removes the target's
Stat Stage Changes.

Blackhole is a PhysicalPhysical mentalMental Technique with an earthEarth Synergy.


Blackhole deals damage to a single target and cures/removes their Status Conditions.

If used with an earthEarth ally, is priority increases to Normal and it also removes the target's Stat Stage Changes.


Level up[]

No. Temtem Level
#034 NagaiseNagaise 84
#098 SanbiSanbi 59
#124 ValiarValiar 91
#152 MinothorMinothor 94
#153 MaoalaMaoala 80

Update History[]
