Temtem Wiki
Changes the Temtem's second type to the type of the technique it's about to use.
Impact Positive
Trigger ?
Effect Typing Changed

Attack<T> is a Type affecting Trait in Temtem and is currently exclusive to Oree's evolutionary line.


Attack<T> changes the user's secondary Type to match the Technique they are about to use. If the move the Temtem is about to use is the same type as that Temtem's primary type, then the Temtem becomes a single-type Temtem of that type. For example, Oree becomes Digital/Electric when using Tesla Prison, and becomes pure Digital when using Turbo Attack.


No. Temtem First Trait Second Trait
#002 Oree Oree Attack<T> Fast Charge
#003 Zaobian Zaobian Attack<T> Voltaic Charge


  • The name Attack<T> is likely a reference to the syntax of generics in C#, the programming language that Temtem uses.

Update History[]
