Temtem Wiki
Aqua Stone is a PhysicalPhysicalwaterWaterTechnique with an earthEarthSynergy.


Aqua Stone deals damage to a single other target.

If used with an earthEarth ally, its damage increases to 104.


Level up[]

Aqua Stone
"An ingenious application of hydraulic pressure for ballistic purposes" - Sophia d'Arissola.
Technique Details
Type waterWater
Class PhysicalPhysical
Damage 80
STA Cost 20
Hold 1
Priority 2_Normal
Targeting Single Other Target
Synergy Details
Synergy earthEarth
Damage 104
No. Temtem Level
#045 BabawaBabawa 40
#087 MastioneMastione 72
#117 DroplyDroply 22
#118 GaryoGaryo 22
#127 KalazuKalazu 14
#128 KalabyssKalabyss 14

Update History[]
