Temtem Wiki
Alpha 0.3.8 Version History Alpha 0.4.1
Alpha 0.4
"Stress Test Release"
Version Details
Type Alpha
Release Date January 11th, 2020
Notes https://crema.gg/temtem/temtem-0-4-0/

Alpha 0.4, also known as the Stress Test, was first released January 11, 2020. This version introduced features, improvements, and fixes to better handle players.

Notes marked with a 👥 symbol were originally suggested/reported/mentioned by community members on the Crema Forums.

New Stuff[]

  • Added a player queue for when the server is up to capacity.


  • Improved movement sync for remote players, especially while sliding and bumping in Tucma’s Dojo.



  • 👥 Invisible Kinu after using Intimidation.
  • 👥 Azuroc’s miniature not updating after its evolution.
  • Reworked and improved Steam login. This should solve some underlying issues we had previously.
  • Stuck on battles after checking a Temtem details and canceling the previously selected technique.
  • Several problems and inconsistencies with turn and reserve time on competitive PvP.
  • Black screen after reconnecting in a casual PvP battle.
  • Getting stuck in battles after closing the game during an evolution scene.
  • Turns not moving forward in Pick&Ban after a player disconnected at the beginning.
