Alpha 0.3.8 is the 8th patch to be released for Temtem since it's Social Update release. Various balancing changes, improvements, and bug fixes were introduced in this patch.
Notes marked with a 👥 symbol were originally suggested/reported/mentioned by community members on the Crema Forums .
Improvements [ ]
Arrow keys can now be used on all UIs as a fallback for WASD keys.
Added a new message when the interaction is canceled due to the antiflood system.
Balance [ ]
General [ ]
The min/max stage modifier for each stat has been increased from -4/+4 to -5/+5.
Each stage modifier has also been tweaked. The new values are:
-5 -> 2/7
-4 -> 2/6
-3 -> 2/5
-2 -> 2/4
-1 -> 2/3
0 -> 1
+1 -> 3/2
+2 -> 4/2
+3 -> 5/2
+4 -> 6/2
+5 -> 7/2
Temtem [ ]
Base SPD decreased from 48 to 40.
Techniques [ ]
STA cost increased from 25 to 30.
STA cost decreased from 31 to 30.
Fixes [ ]
👥 Fixed more black-screen issues while exiting a battle in a coop party.
👥 Fixed players teleported to an empty location after a black-screen.
👥 Fixed Chain Lightning not restoring HP on a Temtem with Electric Synthesize .
👥 Fixed Squad menu getting disabled after giving away a Temtem in the first slot.
👥 Fixed Mucous description and immunity not applying correctly.
👥 Fixed egg timers being reset after doing a trade.
👥 Fixed getting stuck while sitting on a chair in the Narwhal .
Fixed HP being shown with an incorrect value on leveling up.
Fixed synergy icon on techniques not refreshing after the partner gets knocked-out.
Fixed an issue while displaying the details of a Temtem while trading.
Fixed hold techniques appearing with all hold charges available at the beginning of a competitive battle.
Fixed not being able to learn some of the latest egg techniques introduced in 0.3.0.
Other [ ]
Added an end-of-alpha bonus to the latest NPC in Tucma . We hope this helps with your competitive squads.