Alpha 0.3.7 is the 7th patch to be released for Temtem since it's Social Update release. Major balancing changes were introduced in this patch along with a few fixes.
Notes marked with a 👥 symbol were originally suggested/reported/mentioned by community members on the Crema Forums .
Balance [ ]
Wind techniques’ effectivity against Earth reduced from 2x to 1x.
Base HP increased from 69 to 71.
Base SPATK increased to 90 from 84.
Base ATK increased from 60 to 68.
Base SPDEF increased from 54 to 66.
Base HP increased from 79 to 85.
Base SPATK increased from 46 to 51.
Base ATK increased from 54 to 60.
Base SPDEF increased from 36 to 46.
Base HP increased from 42 to 45.
Base ATK increased from 70 to 76.
Base SPATK increased from 63 to 70.
Base ATK reduced from 74 to 70.
Base SPD reduced from 70 to 65.
Damage reduced from 130 to 120.
STA reduced from 14 to 12.
Priority reduced from Normal to Low.
Fixes [ ]
👥 Softlocked and stuck in combats while on co-op.
👥 Not being able to reset the character and getting some more problems after that.
👥 Kemal’s coffee quest not progressing.
👥 Blocked in co-op after using a technique course while the partner was trying to leave the room.
👥 Getting disconnected for idling while interacting with a UI for a long time.
👥 Blackout not registering after defeated a Temtem while getting your last Temtem knocked-out too.
👥 Getting stuck after doing a co-op party in the mines.
👥 A spawn zone in the mines not triggering while surfing.
Out of bounds movement in ppQuetzal’s Dojo]] while on co-op.
Status effect incorrectly appearing on Temtem with the Neutrality trait.
Incorrect hold turns counter after canceling the second Temtem action.
Incorrect turn indicator on a Temtem with a Status condition with only one turn left when receiving another one with more than three turns left.
Temtem evolved during a battle keeping their pre-evolution name.
Co-op partner not able to swap their Temtem until the co-op party leader did it.
Co-op players getting stuck on Temporiums while one was buying and the other tried to leave.