Vastly improved the battle flow. We’ve revisited each action in battles and made them quicker so battles won’t feel sluggish.
Improved a lot of the UIs shown in battles.
Already visited dialog options will now be grayed out.
NPC Emotes should now display better positioned.
Effectiveness circle will not appear anymore while using Status type techniques.
Several improvements on the Learn Technique UI.
Improved the feel while doing a huge damage Technique on a Temtem with very low health.
Added a visual UI indicator when a Temtem is using a Technique.
Improved the Squad UI when swapping a Temtem so you get more info on what’s happening.
Added a different message when a wild Temtem is resting so it doesn’t look like a Tamer is giving them an order.
Sleep particles will now follow the movement of flying Temtem.
Fixed navigation for previous/next Temtem on Squad. (Report: Investigating – Previous Temtem – Next Temtem on Squad menu)
Confirmation popups will now prevent player movement.
If an untamed combat is detected at the same time at the start of a cinematic, wait for the combat to happen before entering the cinematic. (Report: Investigating – Random Temtem encounter right in front of the the opening to the boss lady from the evil team causes bug to happen)
Stamina cost preview is now correctly displayed on Techniques with synergy. (Report: Investigating – Ice Cubes stamina cost not reduced)
Stamina is now correctly displayed when failing a Technique due to Strangle. (Report: Investigating – Enemy Temtem lose all starmina (Virsuell Bug))
Fixed some cases where incorrect item info was displayed on the backpack. (Report: Investigating – Wrong item description shown in backpack)
Fixed a rock collider in Route01. (Report: Investigating – Small rock, displaced collider)
Fixed some rare cases where Temtem could display with the incorrect order on the Squad UI.
Fixed the alert combat on 4:3 displays.
Mirror Shell was buffing physical defense instead of special.
Fixed some cases where water particles were shown on Temtem while you weren’t walking on water.
Fixed some cases where cinematics weren’t triggered after blacking-out in that area.